Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My First Post


This is my first post.
I, The Compassionate Conservative, will tell you a little about myself. I am a Jesus Loving, Bible believing, Fundamentalist, politically conservative Christian who also happens to be a nice guy. I am in my early twenties and I attend a public university in the Northeast.

When I refer to myself as a Fundamentalist Christian allow me to explain. I believe Fundamentally in the Love of God. I Fundamentally believe that Jesus Christ came to this earth to save sinners, of whom I am chief. I Fundamentally believe that the Bible calls me to show love NO MATTER WHAT to my fellow man.

Politically I tend to be conservative on the hot button social issues, based on what I read in the Bible. I am pro-life (Exodus 20:13, Psalm 139, Jeremiah 2, Genesis 1-2) and I am against gay marriage (Leviticus 18 & 20, Romans 1, I Corinthians 6). However I do not hate homosexuals, and I do not hate women, because God calls me to show love to all (I John 4:7)

On other social issues I am less conservative. On the issue of governmental welfare, I am convinced it is a necessary evil. I believe that the government has taken over the responsibility of providing food for the poor because the Christian Church was negligent in their responsibility. God calls us to remember the poor (Galatians 2:10, James 1:27) and we have not done our duty. Think about it. Look at all the millions who go to these huge mega churches around the country and then see all the millions who are destitute in the same cities where these mega churches are. Because we as Christians failed in our responsibility by and large, the government was forced to step in. We need to do what we can to help those in this country who are less fortunate than we are- In short we need to put into practice what God has called us to do.

Ok enough about me. I wanted to talk about Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman's primary race against Ned Lamont. As a Christian I value honesty as a noble character trait and it is something that I want to see in my elected officials. Mr Lamont's campaign against Lieberman has been was of the most dishonest campaigns I have ever seen. Lamont has attacked Lieberman, calling him "George Bush's Lap Dog" and implying that Lieberman is a clone of the President in several TV and radio spots. The facts, however, do not support such an accusation. Senator Lieberman is a three term Senator who has voted with the Democratic party 90% of the time. He voted against confirming John Roberts and Samuel Alito, against the Federal Marriage Amendment, and against every pro life measure ever taken up in the Senate. Lieberman is a solidly liberal politician who has served the state of Connecticut for more than two decades in public office.

Lamont is challenging Lieberman mainly because Lieberman is one of the few prominent Democrats who has maintained his support of our military actions in Iraq. He also agrees with Bush on 4 other issues. The fact that the far left is willing to throw a loyal Democrat under the bus because he sides with conservatives on 5 issues is an absolute shame. What is this country's political system coming too when you are not allowed to agree with the opposing party on 5 issues?

I disagree with Lieberman on almost every issue (except Israel), but I think that he is a good guy who is getting absolutely shafted for all the wrong reasons.

1 comment:

FzxGkJssFrk said...

"[Lieberman] is getting shafted for all the wrong reasons."

True that. Lamont ran a deeply dishonest campaign, particularly with regard to bloggers and the Internet. I would not be surprised at all if they find out that the DoS attack on joe2006.com came from the Far Left internet brigade that propelled Lamont's campaign.