Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Ladies' Man?

I was sitting having lunch yesterday with a few friends. One of them, a young lady, said, "So, some mutual friends told me that you were ladies' man. Is that true?" Talk about AWKWARD!!!!!
For the record: I am not now, nor have ever been, nor will I ever be a "ladies' man." If I am not a "ladies' man," that what am I? Well, I would categorize myself as a Gentleman. I do all I can to treat the women around me with the respect and honor that they are due. I would also add that I am outgoing, and friendly, and an all around nice guy who is also completely awkward and clueless when it comes to women. In fact, several people have said that I remind them of the Kevin James Character in "Hitch." I would agree with that assessment.
I refuse to be a ladies' man because the term "ladies' man" is similar to the term "player." I do not wish to play that game because in the end someone always ends up with their heart broken. As Christians, we are to walk in Agape Love. Being a "player" is antithetical to who I am called to be as a follower of Christ.
I know that these guys meant well- these are the same guys who have decided that it is their job to "find me a wife", which is pretty funny if you stop and think about it. I am perfectly happy being single. If God chooses to bless with with a wife, all the better, but I do not need a young lady to "Complete Me." Only Jesus can do that and I am trusting that He is in fact Completing me. Not to say that I want to stay single forever, but God will bring about everything in His right time.


Jessie Lee said...

U R not a lady's man??? What a shocker! I hope that you had a good Friday. I am loving the rain. It doesn't rain like this in Wyoming. Rain rocks! TTFN
-Jessie lee-

FzxGkJssFrk said...
