Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Liberal Bias in the Media?

Breaking News! There's Liberal Bias in the News Media!
Tell us some thing we don't know. Conservatives have known this for years, but now that we actually have proof, it will be interesting to see how the media's coverage of events and certain people and issues changes. For example, the media has not been kind to prominent conservatives over the years-Conservatives such as President Bush, and Dr. Falwell and the Moral Majority. It would be interesting to see if the coverage changes. I doubt it will, but We'll see.
As to the fact that journalists gave to Liberal causes over conservative causes at a ratio of 9:1, I say, that's their right, but while they have the right to give money to causes that they believe in, they also have the responsiblity to be impartial, and many journalists are not impartial at all. Some are, but there are many who are in the tank for one side of the political spectrum or the other.
I found the comments of my friend James Zipadelli to be very interesting. James is a grad student who is studying journalism up in Boston. He has some great insights as a journalist, and his column on this issue is a good read. He argues that journalist should not give to any political campaign, and I agree with him, but how can you stop someone from giving money to organizations that they agree with? How can you do that when we in America have the freedom to do with our money what we want?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would agree with you that people should have the freedom to give what they want, as long as they aren't journalists.

People know other people. Cell phones, Blackberries and other devices make that a certainty.

Once you contribute to a campaign it's public at the Federal Election Commission where anyone can access that. If you're well-established people will think that your views are the views of the paper.

By the way I think voting is different from a campaign contribution. Voting is a private act in the booth.