Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gone Home- Ruth Graham

Mrs. Ruth Graham, Wife of Billy Graham and mother of Franklin Graham, was called home to be with our Jesus today.

I can't help but feel that with her passing so close to that of Dr Falwell that the American Church has lost some giants of the faith recently-giants who may not be replaced. Are we willing to risk everything to follow Jesus? These were, but I fear many in the American Church today are not.

Jesus, make us your willing vessels. Lord, if I am not willing to risk everything to serve You, I want to be willing. I ask that You would make me willing. I am willing to be made willing. Thank You for the examples of willing servants You provided in the lives of Dr. Falwell and Mrs. Graham. Please watch over their families. Watch over Billy and Franklin and the rest of the Graham family and comfort them in thier time of need.
Holy Father, Raise up Your Sevants to carry on the work of spreading Your Gospel, and anoint us with the Holy Spirit as we tell others the Good News of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Name I pray
Amen and Amen

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