Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Why we must vote

This post is in response to members of the Christian brotherhood who are contemplating not voting this year because of all the problems with the Conservative Republicans, such as the Mark Foley scandal.
I have two points to make before explaining why we must vote
  1. Conservative Republican does not equal righteous. Just because a particular political stance is a Biblical does not mean that the person who articulates that stance is a Christian. I mean, the most conservative Republican in the Senate, Orin Hatch of Utah, is a dedicated member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which does not believe in the Trinity (How one can call himself a Christian and deny the basic principles of the faith is beyond me, but that is for another post) Two examples of popular Conservatives who are not Christians are Newt Gingrich, a solid Conservative who I would never vote for in any election, because of what he did to his wife (Divorcing her while she was on her sick bed), and Phil Giordano, The former mayor of Waterbury who ran against Joe Lieberman in the last Senatorial election in CT as a family values conservative, who was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for violating the civil rights of two little girls who he sexually abused
  2. The people that we elect are human- that means they are going to mistakes. This is not to say that we should not hold them to high standards, because we should. But we need to rid ourselves of the assumption that the Conservatives in office are going to be perfect, and that every political decision they make is going to be the right one

That being said, here is why we must vote.

While not every Conservative is a Christian, the Conservative platform on social morality is closer to Biblical standards. While the Conservatives are not perfect, Who would you rather have as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, or Dennis Hastert? Nancy Pelosi is committed to promoting an agenda which directly contradicts what the Bible has to say on the issues of abortion, and gay marriage. If we don't vote, those who oppose God's ways will have an immense amount of political power, and we will lose our voice in government

Secondly, if we do not vote, we lose the right to complain about how things are going. If we don't vote why should we be allowed to complain? If we don't vote and the God -haters take over Congress, the result will be exactly what we deserve

Most importantly, it is our duty before God to vote!
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. In the Gospel of Luke Chapter 19, Jesus tells us the parable of the talents, in which the Lord tells his servants to "Occupy till I [the Lord] come" I looked up the word occupy in the dictionary and here is what it had to say:

1 : to engage the attention or energies
of2 a : to take up (a place or extent in space)
b : to take or fill
(an extent in time) 3 a : to take
or hold possession or control of
b : to
fill or perform the functions of (an office or position)4 : to reside in as an owner or tenant -
oc·cu·pi·er /-"pI(-&)r/

The Strong's Concordance has a slightly different defintion but it is also applicable

From G4229;
to busy oneself with, that is, to trade: - occupy.

If we are to occupy till Christ comes, that means two things. First, and most importantly, we are to work to bring souls into the Kingdom, but secondly we are to get in the way of the devil's plans for our nation. If we idly sit by and let those who hate God and His ways seize control of the government, then we will get exactly what we deserve. If you think it is bad now, just wait and see what happens if we do not go and exercise our rights as American Christians.

Some things that easily could happen if we do not vote:

  1. America will stop supporting Israel
  2. Abortion on demand will be promoted
  3. Gay marriage will be forced to be legalized in all 50 states
  4. Christians who stand up against gay marriage will be prosecuted for "hate crimes"
  5. Christians will be marginalized even more

The last thing Satan wants to see is the Christians go into the voting booth in an attitude of prayer. He wants to keep us from "occupying till Christ comes back" Don't allow Satan to get away with this!

Vote on November 7th!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll vote. But I may have to hold my nose while doing so.

FzxGkJssFrk said...

"Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people".

That is profoundly true, and it's exactly the reason I've considered not voting, because of your first point, 'Conservative Republican' does not equal righteous!!! It's awfully hard for me to be so cavalier about "well, it's going to be the lesser of two evils, so let's pick the one with the right platform even if they're all a bunch of scum." I agree with those Scriptures, but I have a hard time believing that they apply directly to voting Republican.

At best, like Mom, I'll be holding my nose while voting this year. I certainly won't be voting Democratic for any national office; I very well may vote for the Democratic incumbent Gov. Bredesen of Tennessee because he hasn't screwed anything up royally yet (unlike previous corrupt Republican governors) and he made a very un-Democrat-like effort to reform TennCare. (Naturally, the Republican candidate accuses him of cutting Tennessee's "neediest citizens" from the welfare rolls. Wait a minute - who's the conservative here?)