Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'm just procrastinating

Day nine of the No Junk food for me plan.... No chips, no fast food, no candy, no soda. It's a little tough.
Senoir Thesis are no fun especially when your major source is written in Middle English and there is no translation....
oh well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop whining, sweetheart. If it makes you feel better, I'm back on the food bandwagon, too (step away from the cookies and hand over the Klondike bar, Ma'am).

Go take a brisk walk around the campus, and while you're walking, pretend you're giving a lecture on your thesis subject. (You might want to pretend you're talking on a Blue Tooth or cell phone; otherwise people may be a bit concerned about you.) By the time you're back to your dorm, you'll have the whole thing outlined in your head, you will have lots of nice oxygen circulating around in your cranium, and you can give yourself a nice self-righteous pat on the back for getting some exercise.