Saturday, April 12, 2008

Random Thoughts, Politics, etc.

Hey everybody!

This post is mostly thoughts on Random subjects that are completely unrelated, except that I have have been pondering them.

Thoughts 1-6: on Politics

1. If John McCain wants to be President, he had better pick a strong social conservative as his V.P. Nominee- and no, I am NOT talking about Mitt Romney. Michael Steele would be a good choice, as would Mike Huckabee.

2. The infighting in the Democratic Party is ridiculous and it will destroy them.

3. For the sake of her party, Hillary Clinton should drop out of the race.

4. The Jeremiah Wright controversy has been blown out of proportion. While what he said was wrong, and he should be condemned for what he said, he is not the only preacher to say something harsh about America from the pulpit. Conservatives need to let this go, and focus on the issues, not on Jeremiah Wright. More will be said later on this.

5. Obama's speech on Reverend Wright was very good-in fact, it was probably the best speech a politician has made since President Bush's speech after 9/11.

6. Conservatives (Esp. Christians) need to stop attacking Obama for things that may or may not be true. If I was to believe everything that has been said about Obama, the man would be the AntiChrist! "Obama's a Muslim!" "B. Hussein Obama" (Ann Coulter). "Obama's a racist!" "Obama is involved in the occult!" Instead we should focus on what really matters- his political positions on issues such as abortion, homosexual marriage, the war in Iraq, Israel, etc.

Thoughts 7-11 On Culture and religion:
7. My current favorite TV show is Super Nanny. I think it show what is really wrong with American Society- The Baby Boomers have taught my generation to believe that parents should not discipline their children. Consequently, we are raising a nation of spoiled brats. If i had ever talked back to my parents in the way the kids on that show do, I would not have gotten a time out-My time out would have been me hitting the floor. My parents were not abusive, but we knew not to cross certain lines, or we were gonna get it.

8. If you haven't been paying attention recently, Youtube Oprah and religion. and then pray. More will be said later.

9. The Boston Red Sox ring ceremony and Opening Day was amazing. It was great to see Bill Buckner back at Fenway. The man finally got what he deserved.

10. The Final Four was great, and kudos to Kansas, but Memphis should have won that game.

11. I Love Jesus-I really do. He has been so good to me!

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