Monday, February 11, 2008


I've got a question for those here who are smarter than I am- Why do so many prominent conservatives hate Mike Huckabee? And why were they so high on Mitt Romney? This has made zero sense to me over the last few months/weeks, as I read the comments over at Michelle Malkin's blog, and hear folks like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh blast Huckabee in the media and fawn over Romney. Can Someone explain this?
From my perspective, Romney came across as a snake oil salesman, a guy who is just a little too slick. He always seemed to have his finger in the air, trying to figure out which way the political wind was blowing. Huckabee, however seems to be a sincere Christian conservative on most issues. There are a few things I disagree with him on (Like his tax plan-I think it is impractical), but over all he is the guy that I would like to see in the White House.

As We come to this election, I think it is important to keep in mind what a friend of mine said a few months ago in a conversation. "We as Christians need to stop treating conservatives as if they are Jesus. Way too often we hold these men up on a pedestal and act as if they are going to take us to heaven. We must, as a Christian Community, realize that none of our political leaders are God and that they will make mistakes. We should hold them to a high standard to be sure, but realize that they are not God, which means that they do not have ultimate control."
Amen to that!
I think we sometimes think that "if it is conservative, it must be good, and if it is liberal it must be bad." Not necessarily. There are some fairly good, upright liberal Democrats and some conservative Republicans who are evil people. For example, in my home state, our current junior Senator is a Liberal Democrat. Do I agree with him on most issues? No, but I do think that he is a good man in a lot ways. When he ran for Senate in 2000, his opponent was a mayor from a prominent city who ran on a family values campaign. The summer after the election, this mayor was arrested (and later convicted) of child molestation-he is now serving almost 40 years. They feds found out about his abuse of children while wire tapping his office in a corruption case! So much for family values!
Another prominent Conservative poilitician who I would never vote for is the former Speaker of the House. There are a whole lot of conservatives who love the guy, and while I agree with many of his stances, I could never vote for him because of his personal life. Character should count for something and it does to ,e. While I am not expecting a President to be perfect, He needs to be a man of integrity and high moral standards if he wants to get my vote.


Anonymous said...

Amen, son.

FzxGkJssFrk said...

True enough. See my comments. But Huckabee hasn't seen nearly as much conservative media wrath as McCain, because McCain's campaign-finance reforms threatened their bread and butter. Huckabee's kind of a big-government guy, a tax-and-spender. That's why they don't like him. Plus, immigration reform is a big deal to them, and while Huck talks tough now, as governor of Arkansas he had plans to give free tuition to illegal immigrants.

I can see why you like him, though; and I can't blame you: he's a "compassionate conservative", like Bush is.

I like Huckabee a lot better than I like McCain, personally. I think McCain's a jerk. My vote today came down to whom I think would do a better job running the country, and today it was McCain. I'm not really proud of it, to tell you the truth. But I wouldn't have been too proud of a vote for Huck, either.

So, did you vote for Huck in today's primary? Or are you still registered in CT?